Hi, just wondering if there is an iPlug2 plugin cross-compilation guide for newbies.
It would be useful for the common case: “I want to offer my plugin for Mac and Windows.” As I see it, there are two basic strategies:
Azure Pipelines with Github
a) this assumes your project includes iPlug2/azure-pipelines.yml and Scripts/ci/ folder.
b) set up Azure DevOps account.
c) create a new Pipeline in an Azure Devops project, linked to your iPlug2 project repository.
d) configure the Pipeline with “Existing Azure Pipelines YAML file”, choosing azure-pipelines.yml from your project repository (does this work with submodules?) -
Compile on your own macOS/Windows machines (or virtual machines)
Good to spell out the obvious option.
Do I have this right? Are there any gotchas with Azure Pipelines?
Edit: Azure Pipelines configuration does not play nice with submodules (path to azure-pipelines.yml cannot traverse submodules). It wouldn’t have worked anyway; I think the pipeline configuration has to be reworked for “out-of-source” builds.
Edit 2: Looks like there is a pipeline config for OOS builds here: iPlug2OOS/.github/workflows/build-native.yml at master · iPlug2/iPlug2OOS · GitHub