I just found this awesome new version of iPlug and I’m currently porting some VST3 SDK plugins to iPlug2.
At this point I need an editable text field where a user can enter a username.
Is there a way to make ITextControl behave just like ICaptionControl but then for ‘normal’ text?
I see the Placeholder component does something like this, but can the ITextControl be configured so it works like this?
Hi PJ!
something like this is what you need:
class ITextEditControl : public ITextControl {
ITextEditControl(const IRECT& bounds, const char* str, const IText& text)
: ITextControl(bounds, str, text) {
mIgnoreMouse = false;
void OnMouseDown(float x, float y, const IMouseMod& mod) override {
GetUI()->CreateTextEntry(*this, mText, mRECT, GetStr());
void OnTextEntryCompletion(const char* str, int valIdx) override {
Thanks Oli! I’m really amazed how easy it is to set things up with iPlug2 compared to the VST3 SDK. Great work!