IPlug2 with Mingw / Code::Blocks?

First of all this is a great library that I just started to explore. I am trying to compile the example IPlugInstrument under Code::Blocks IDE using the Mingwx64 bit compiler (WIN10).
After including all necessary search paths I got the following error:
#error Either NO_IGRAPHICS or one and only one choice of graphics library must be defined!
So my two questions are:

  1. Which graphics library should I use by default?
    In any case, even if I define NO_IGRAPHICS, the compiler asks for nanosvg.h or for cairo.h which are not found in IPlug2 library…
  2. Anyone uses C::B for IPlug2 ? Is Mingw ok to compile it ?

Codeblocks/MinGW is not supported i’m afraid. At least we make no effort to test it there and I think there will be a lot of things that would need to be modified. I would strongly advise to use VS2019 community.

Thanks, Oli, understood. I see there are a lot of further inconsistencies coming in Mingw. I will stick to VC2019. Will also try CLeon as IDE - I saw on this forum someone uses it.

I have managed to build IPlug2 projects with Code::Blocks using MS BuildTools 2019 - it works well ! (And I’m ok with X-Code for Mac)

Will there ever be support for gcc in future? :sweat_smile:
because I am interested in trying out dsp through iPlug but don’t really use visual studio because of the enormous size.


No sorry. It’s an open source project though. Someone else is free to make it work if they have the time