Dear all (and @olilarkin in particular)
iPlug2 is awesome! I was stuck with a simple plug that I did in SonicBirth, nothing complicated (quad to quad filtered feedbacking delays) but still very useful for mutlichannel composition… and now Catalina killed my jam so I bit the bucket and managed to code it back thanks to you!!!
(ok just basic no-gui but still)
regarding the latter: I am compiling only AUv2 for now, and I wonder how to manually enter the values for each fader in the host-generated-interface. I seem to remember that Reaper allowed that, but I cannot make it happen. Will have I to learn how to use the gui for that? If that’s the case I might create 2 presets in the C++ but that would be quite a detour to avoid doing a gui
Anyway, any pointers welcome, and thanks again
I think reaper’s default GUI is quite limited for typing real param values (i think you can only do normalized values)
so , if you don’t care how it looks, just put back a simple igraphics UI with two ICaptionControls…
mMakeGraphicsFunc = [&]() {
return MakeGraphics(*this, PLUG_WIDTH, PLUG_HEIGHT, PLUG_FPS, GetScaleForScreen(PLUG_WIDTH, PLUG_HEIGHT));
mLayoutFunc = [&](IGraphics* pGraphics) {
pGraphics->AttachCornerResizer(EUIResizerMode::Scale, false);
pGraphics->LoadFont("Roboto-Regular", ROBOTO_FN);
const IRECT b = pGraphics->GetBounds().GetCentredInside(300,300);
pGraphics->AttachControl(new ICaptionControl(b.FracRectVertical(0.5f), kParam1, DEFAULT_TEXT.WithSize(24.f)));
pGraphics->AttachControl(new ICaptionControl(b.FracRectVertical(0.5f, true), kParam2, DEFAULT_TEXT.WithSize(24.f)));
you mean that these lines with autogenerate all my parameters? that would be awesome. I’m trying it now
edit sorry I seem to have to do one per parameter. I have a lot of parameters but I think it is worth the time…
ok for the fellow beginners: if can programatically (ugly) do them like this:
for (int i = 0;i<kNumParams;i++){
pGraphics->AttachControl(new ICaptionControl(IRECT(0,i*15,80,(i+1)*15), i, DEFAULT_TEXT.WithSize(14.f)));
it is ugly and has no fader but it has text entry and works
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