Hi everybody,
I’m trying to build a wam version of my plugin.
When running the ./makedist-web.sh on my mac I get the following error:
shared:INFO: (Emscripten: Running sanity checks)
emcc: error: EXPORT_NAME is not a valid JS identifier: AudioWorkletGlobalScope.WAM.MyNewPlugin
make: *** […/build-web/scripts/MyNewPlugin-wam.js] Error 1
emmake: error: ‘make --makefile MyNewPlugin-wam-processor.mk’ failed (returned 2)
IPlugWAM WASM compilation failed
I get the same error when trying to build the example plugins.
However it builds just fine when I build it on the docker.
One more thing - is it possible to load a .fxp preset file on the wam build? reading / writing any files on the server?
Great to see people trying this 
This is an issue with the latest versions of emscripten. You can hack emscripten to work around it by modifying the following line to return true
Thanks a lot for the quick answer.
It works now.
The line is now in tools/js_manipulation.py line 97 in the latest version, if anybody run to this issue.
Any idea about loading presets files / audio files?
I talk about this a bit in this ADC presentation
For https://virtualcz.io, I just use MakePresetFromBlob() and bake in presets.
If you want to load presets and audio files at runtime, you’ll have to investigate the emscripten APIs for that kind of thing