Edit & Continue doesn't work on MSVC?

Does anyone know why Edit & Continue doesn’t work on MSVC, even though the correct database option is selected (/ZI) and I’ve enabled incremental linking (/INCREMENTAL)?

This usually works, but when I make any code changes during a debug session in iPlug2 projects, it won’t apply them with

"Edit and Continue : error : ‘[filename]’ in ‘[project name]’ was not compiled with Edit and Continue enabled. Ensure that the file is compiled with the Program Database for Edit and Continue (/ZI) option.

It definitely is - unless the iPlug2 build system overrides this somewhere?

Ah, I’m using VC2017, but the Platform Toolset was set to VC2015. Seems this breaks E & C, but without any (correct) warnings. Changing to 2017 fixed it.