iPlug2OOS iOS & Swift

I have an existing multi-target project that is based from the iPlug2OOS/TemplateProject.

I’ve played somewhat with the iPlug2/Examples/IPlugSwift project template, and would like to get a swift view controller implemented in the iPlug2OOS/TemplateProject-iOS project.

I’ve played with dumb-copying in the project and associate files from the Swift example into the TemplateProject, but as I move forward I wonder if this will cause problems down the line even if I get it to stitch together this way. The copied *iOS Xcode project does not use some of the files included with the OOS template.

I am very new to XCode/Apple development semantics coming from Linux, is there a canonical supported means of signaling iPlug2 to bridge a swift file with the current project?


I’ve seen some of the compile-time macros IPlugSwift uses, and the bridging header file included during the build, it does have a different framework dependency setup though (such as not using the AUv3Framework headers found in the OOS template). What differences to these files/framework settings make?

So after bluntly copying files around from the IPlugSwift example into my IPlugOOS/TemplateProject based source tree, and after configuring the projects source file pathing, it builds but with odd runtime issues (frozen parameter control sliders).

What is the canonical way for bridging arbitrary swift classes to an iPlug2 iOS project? I say arbitrary because at some point I’d like to also start integrating StoreKit or other Swift libraries, etc.

Don’t really understand what you’re after. You import whatever swift libraries you need in your swift view controller, And communicate with the iPlug2 C++ layer by messages as in the example

I guess I’m trying to figure out what it is that signals to XCode to have the iOS app use a storyboard controlled by a swift class.

Is this as simple as creating a swift file with a child class of IPlugCocoaViewController and pointing the storyboard to it?