Knob Studio - graphic design tool

Dear friends, I present my new development - a free graphic editor “Knob Studio”, intended primarily for developing from scratch the design of control elements - knobs, potentiometers, faders, switches, indicators, measuring instruments, etc., as a result not only a static design, but also an animated image that can be used not only as a virtual control, as well as get a full-fledged video demonstrating the operation of the device (AVI, GIF and animated PNG formats).

This program is an analogue of the famous Knob Man from g200kg, however, it is devoid of many of the disadvantages inherent in the latter, such as the need for a Java virtual machine, the impossibility of entering fractional numbers in Russian-speaking Windows and slow operation. In addition, Knob Studio has more functionality, such as “Stroke” and “Blur” effects, smoother animation curves, an improved vector shape editor, and much more.
Knob Studio has the ability to import files from Knob Man (* .knob) for further work and rendering the result. In addition, the distribution includes 100 examples (in the “Samples” folder), which you can modify and use at your discretion.

:+1:t2: The program was tested on the Windows 10 operating system and the distribution contains two versions of the executable file:
• KnobStudio.exe - for 32 bit Windows
• KnobStudio64.exe - for 64 bit Windows

:warning: Installation - unpack the contents of the “” archive into any folder on your computer.

:white_check_mark: Additionally, it is possible to change the theme of the program to your taste - there are 34 themes in the distribution kit.

:floppy_disk: Download Knob Studio (11 MB)

:v:t2: In addition - a vintage arrow indicator made in this program, in animated PNG format :wink:


That’s amazing, thank you for sharing!

Unfortunately l’m on a Mac at the moment but I will definitely try this programme as soon as I can get to a PC.

Wow, looks great @vasyan !

Hey vasyan,

Well done, very very good.
Right, over the years g200kg got some rust :slight_smile:
In any case the import of knob files is excellent. Also blur and stroke are long time missing features.

I would like to see better mouse support in a future update:

  • mouse wheel over graphics should step to previous/next frame
  • if cursor is placed in a value field, mouse wheel could increment/decrement the value.

Both changes would speed up the work-flow dramatically…

In any case very good job. This will replace g200kg!


BTW: some examples do not show up in my version. Maybe you check again all of them :slight_smile:

I forgot to ask: is there a donation link?

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Thank you. I will take into account the wishes in the update, which will be soon. I myself am now finding some inaccuracies in the work of the program and making corrections.
I will be glad to any amount :wink:

I updated the distro today, fixing some bugs and adding a frame change when scrolling the mouse wheel.
Unfortunately, the framework used for the spinedit controls does not provide a simple way to implement the proposed feature.
You can download the updated version using the same link.
And thank you for your donation.

I had a go with it, really nice work. Would it be possible to make it spit out @2x bitmaps for high DPI at the same time?

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In the project settings, set a double size and render. Or am I misunderstanding something?

By the way, I would like to remind you that in Knob Studio, unlike Knob Man, the layers are arranged in the opposite way, that is, the top layer is located in the list above, similar to Photoshop, for example.
And there is a choice of blending mode and layer transparency, similar to Photoshop.

Yes I mean do it automatically

Does this tool is still available?
I tried to download it from the link posted but nothing happens :frowning:


this looks fantastic, well done, really lovely :black_heart:
id love to give it a look proper, sadly on macOS, but it looks really nice

how was this built? is there code on GitHub or anything to look at it? is it a windows specific codebase?
if not thats cool, im still happy there is a tool like this that exists :metal:

Looks like a nice app - and I greatly appreciate the free offering - but Win 10 gives me a security warning not to download. I’ve never seen that warning on anything else I’ve tried to download before so it got my attention. Maybe the download site needs an SSL cert? IDK

Will there ever be a Mac version?

This program was written in Delphi with the VCL component library. Also used the Graphics32 library. I’m not sure if this will be ported to the Mac, maybe the code can be built on Lazarus, but it will require sponsorship to make the porting work economically viable.

Just curious if there is any way to extend the X and/or Y size limit beyond 512 pixels? Now that 4k video monitors are commonplace I’m finding I need to generate larger graphics for everything (when using raster graphics). When KnobMan first came out 4k wasn’t so common.